Shipping Policy


We only ship to our customers after they have completed checking-out using 1. the available payment processor at the store (for fast processing & sending of order) or 2. direct bank transfer method (& settlement is confirm with the bank which may slow processing & sending of order). Once payment is successful, LYOSPOT has a 1-business day as our handling time to forward parceled items (processed order) for shipment.

Handling Time (1-business Day):

After a customer has completed checkout (thus finished making payment), LYOSPOT uses this 1-business day to confirm payment, gather all the information (thus order details and user’s delivery address), processing and parceling the purchased item and forwarding to our delivery providers. We ask our customers to respect this time from LYOSPOT to make sure all information and preparation are intact.

Processing Order:

We pack & parcel item bought, check the delivery address of the customer and forward it to our delivery service providers. A full or complete delivery address of a customer must include:

  • Name of customer/recipient
  • House address/Digital address (PO Box not accepted)
  • Town/City, (include Zip code if any)
  • Country
  • Telephone number

Orders without a full/complete delivery address as shown above will be canceled.

Service Providers Working Hours

Our delivery service providers (GhanaPost EMS & DHL Express) work from Monday – Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm and on Saturday 8:00am to 12:00pm. Except when there is a national holiday, where shipment will be accepted on the next business/working day by these service providers.

Once shipment is accepted by these delivery service providers, a tracking number will be issued to the shipment. LYOSPOT will update its customers with the tracking number to confirm order been shipped.

Responsibilities from customers

  • Confirm shipment by waiting for a tracking number from Lyospot.
  • Customers are to wait for the delivery service providers to deliver your item/order/parcel to you.
  • After receiving your item/order/parcel, please come back to LYOSPOT website to give/share your FEEDBACK to your purchase/experience with us.

Thank you. Happy shopping..!

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